The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) promotes and protects the health and wellness of more than 200,000 Canadians in 15 municipalities across 5,000 square kilometers.

Founded in 1935, the organization employs approximately 250 people in six locations. EOHU’s achievements are driven by a compassionate team of employees focused on improving and safeguarding the health and quality of life for the region’s residents. EOHU provides a diverse set of services, including prenatal classes, immunization clinics, smoking cessation courses and various health inspections in places such as restaurants, cafeterias, nurseries and longterm care homes.

EOHU also offers a vast online library of videos and public service announcements covering dozens of topics. It’s one of the only public health agencies in North America with in-house broadcast and multimedia production facilities.

Slow backups stalling Disaster Recovery efforts
Various key IT systems support EOHU’s services. OnBase manages client documents, Hedgehog compiles food-safety inspection reports and Vzaar
supports video production.

Protecting these systems is critical to residents’ health and wellness, and keeping residents’ information private is paramount to maintaining compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA).

EOHU was struggling with slow backups during routine disaster recovery (DR) testing. The IT team contacted Zycom, its trusted technology consultant, who is partnered with HostedBizz, to provide Veeam Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) solutions. After a thorough assessment, Veeam Backup & Replication was deployed, significantly reducing backup times.

Ransomware infected and encrypted our entire on-prem IT infrastructure, including backups. HostedBizz performed DRaaS using Veeam replicas, and our critical systems were up and running in under two hours. The fact that this solution is a Canadian solution is noteworthy. This enables us to comply with federal and provincial data protection statutes like PIPEDA and PHIPA.
Joanne Porporo, Manager of IT and Physical Resources

Key Benefits and Outcomes

  • Fully Managed and Monitored Disaster Recovery as a Service solution using best in class backup solutions including Veeam Technology
  • Recovery capabilities to a 100% Canadian owned and managed enterprise cloud infrastructure to support production IT systems.
  • Data centers located in Canada to simplify Controlled Goods Compliance
  • Best practice backup observing 3-2-1 policies
  • Full DR capabilities now exist using the HostedBizz cloud in the event of cyber-attack or other disaster
  • Optimized data security via continuous backups

Canadian Data Sovereignity

With the data residing in a 100% Canadian owned cloud located in a highly secure and redundant Tier III Canadian owned data center provides Grapevine with the assurance that their critical data adheres to industry compliance requirements.