Some may argue that cloud is a maturing product and while that may somewhat be the case, the need for support and infrastructure to maintain such a growing initiative is rising year over year. There is still very much a demand for businesses to turn to a cloud partner. This gives you, as an MSP, the opportunity to grow your cloud business.
Here are four simple ways to boost cloud sales within your organization.
Recognize what drives change
Understanding the external factors that affect your clients is the key to increasing cloud sales. Organizations within various industries have different reasons for wanting to move to the cloud. It is vital that you have a good grip on what they are. Businesses tend to follow competitors in terms of technological strategy – usually because they notice that they are gaining a competitive edge that their technology is too old to support.
Regulatory bodies also drive businesses change – these vary across industry but its important to understand the impact they have. Research what benefits companies have experienced by moving to the cloud, and be sure to communicate these to your customers. If they can see significant cost savings or an increase in sales by moving to the cloud, they may be more willing to have a conversation.
Change your approach
Now that you have cloud services as part of your product portfolio, it’s time to change your mindset on your “product portfolio”. You are no longer selling off-the-shelf products but a complex/tailored service. Your customer’s relationship will no longer be transactional.  As an MSP, you play a key role in protecting their precious data in a datacenter that they have limited physical control over.
As such, your sales approach should change accordingly. The sale is now complex and contains many moving parts, so take a consultative approach to ensure you gain trust from all stakeholders. You now want to focus on business outcomes and how your new suite of solutions can help customers meet their goals.
Know your customers
Due to the complex nature of cloud selling – it’s imperative to understand your customer. This doesn’t just mean understanding their industries and reasons to buy. It also means understanding their buying processes, protocols and what stakeholders are involved.
The sales cycle as well has changed. Buyers don’t take kindly to being pitched to in a consultative sell. They like to speak with industry peers, research online and make their own minds up before even approaching companies for quotes/proposals.
Organize your sales and marketing campaigns around your customers’ behaviors, not your offering. Pinpoint different stages in their decision making process and ensure you have useful content and information on each step. In this new sale, customers only come to you when they are serious about buying! Be prepared for when they do.
Take Advantage of your Partner
Nobody knows their cloud better than your Cloud Service Provider (CSP). Therefore, ensure you know exactly what help and support is available to help you grow your cloud business. Many partners can help generate leads with joint marketing campaigns or offer technical expertise where you may perhaps be a little short.
Use your imagination as well – you know your customers so how would they like to learn about your new offering? Work with your customers and partner to deliver relevant campaigns to boost cloud sales.
Are you a HostedBizz Partner? Sign up to our Partner Portal for insights, your dedicated Partner Manager and access to a library of sales/marketing material to help your business boost cloud sales.