Top Questions that MSPs can ask potential clients to make them understand the importance of Managed Security Services (MSS)
Acquiring new clients always proves to be a challenging task, even for MSPs with the most experienced sales teams. Prospects don’t always realize the need to hire on a managed IT provider, and so it’s your job to make sure they fully understand the value that brings to them – especially when it comes to data protection.
Canadian organizations faced the harsh reality of paying ransom to recover private customer data in 2019, to the tune of $2.3B dollars.
If only that money was spent on managed IT services, and preventative measures. The economy doesn’t benefit from hackers collecting money that they’ll never pay tax on.
Asking your prospects these key questions will not only get them thinking about their current security posture, it will allow you to better position yourself as a trusted IT provider that is worth the investment.  Still interested? Read on to find out what top questions you can ask to make prospects understand the true value of managed security solutions.
- Tell me about your data – how much data does your business create and what type of data is it?
- Does your industry require that data be in compliance with specific regulations and laws?
- Are you currently protected against internal threats and external threats such as ransomware, and phishing scams?
- Are your remote employees sharing files and keeping their day to day work in a secure location?
- How often do you review your incident response plan? (this is a polite way of asking if they even have one)
These questions may seem basic, but they are a great way to engage the potential client in meaningful dialogue while painting a picture of what data loss and downtime really means for them.
To learn more about partnering with HostedBizz to offer your clients complete data protection, visit our partners page, or get in touch with us!   We are a 100% Canadian IaaS provider that works closely with MSP partners like you, to keep your clients keep focused on their growth, while we help you take care of their IT.
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Get in touch by phone – we love a good chat! Call 1 – 855 – 464 – 6783 (1 855 GO HOSTED)