File Sync & Sharing : An Introduction
Enterprise-grade file sync & sharing solutions deliver a range of benefits that many corporate users may not even realize they need.
As an added bonus, these enterprise-grade solutions provide MSPs with a product that adds high-margin, recurring revenue to their solution roster.
When many MSPs present an enterprise-grade file sync & sharing solution to their clients, the solution is often described as being “similar to Dropbox.” There is, however, a dramatic difference between consumer-grade file sync solutions and the more robust enterprise-grade solutions like HostedBizz File Sync & Sharing.
In this blog post, we’ll explore three key pillars that help MSPs and end users understand the differences between consumer-grade file sync solutions and HostedBizz File Sync & Sharing.
Pillar 1. Elimination of File Servers
File Sync & Sharing solutions completely virtualize the IT stack for most small offices. By phasing out local, on-premise file servers, users can access files from any location on any device without VPN or FTP permissions.
This process simplifies both client interactions with IT and on-site IT configurations. Moving from a physical technology stack to a virtual IT infrastructure solution removes many limitations previously presented in the enterprise – especially for small enterprises. With limited IT budget and staff, these small enterprises don’t have the capacity to manage IT resources on-premise. A virtual solution shifts the burden of responsibility to the MSP, providing the business the opportunity to focus on productivity and NOT IT management.
That’s where an additional benefit comes in: File Sync solutions replace a low margin, one-time IT infrastructure purchase with a high-margin, recurring revenue solution. This is especially relevant to MSPs offering managed services in the SMB and SME markets. These smaller enterprise markets are notoriously difficult to sell to. The availability of a low-cost, low-touch solution stack can be a game changer for small enterprises – and for the MSP’s revenue stream.
Pillar 2. Ransomware Protection
Even just a few years ago, MSP clients declined additional backup sources because of the expense.
Now, the risks of ransomware and the pain of data recovery have changed the face of the IT infrastructure landscape. A well-designed anti-virus solution is the first step to prevent a ransomware attack. However, new ransomware could slide through, rendering valuable files unusable.
Ransomware is typically designed to target files stored on the desktop or in the Documents folder. Anti-virus solutions deny unauthorized access to these locations. If an unknown program attempts to access files in these locations, the anti-virus solution will raise a flag. In the unfortunate case a new strain of ransomware bypasses anti-virus security, your clients won’t likely know until a demand for ransom is made to retrieve files.
That’s why clients and MSPs alike insist on a robust, enterprise-grade backup solution. In the unfortunate case that ransomware gains access to your client’s files, the only reliable solution is restoration of backed-up files.
Enterprise-grade solutions, like HostedBizz File Sync & Sharing, offer MSPs a solution that promises secure protection from ransomware and peace-of-mind that attacks will not cause significant business delays. The HostedBizz solution offers revision rollback and snapshot features to ensure data can be retrieved at the exact point in time when data loss occurred. Recovery time can be almost instantaneous.
Pillar 3. Secure Share
Consumer-grade file sharing options, like Dropbox or Google Drive, are built to suit the needs of the general public. Optimized for productivity files and photo sharing, the solutions use public file sync services to minimize cost and maximize storage capacity. They rely on relatively lax security measures, like a shared link.
Enterprise-grade storage sharing, on the other hand, was built with the intent to make virtual storage as secure as possible. Employing a multi-tenant design built specifically for MSPs, enterprise-grade file sync and sharing solutions offer customizable levels of control, security and collaboration. Management of these enterprise solutions is simple and doesn’t require a dedicated IT resource; the solution can be managed from a user-friendly single pane of glass.
Data Protection for All Enterprises
Enterprise- grade file sync solutions employ multiple layers of the data protection. They’re built from the ground up specifically to meet enterprise needs, from varying levels of access permissions to precise roll-back specifications. They also suit businesses of every size.
Small Business / Small Enterprise
File Sync & Sharing eliminates physical, on-premise servers in the SMB/SME market. In its place, sync solutions supply SMB/SME’s with low-cost, highly reliability secure share, backups and ransomware protection. Access to this smaller market provides MSPs with a high margin upgrade available and affordable to even the smallest business.
Medium-Size Business
Medium-sized businesses that wish to maintain on-premise servers while adding cloud-based backup solutions can also benefit from File Sync & Sharing solutions. With medium-sized businesses, there are more human resources on staff – increasing the risk of human error. Often times regulatory expectations are also more stringent, requiring strict security protocols. File Sync and Sharing can solve the need for remote access, collaboration and customized security levels – all while creating the opportunity to add user licenses and increase MRR for the participating MSP.
Larger Business
Large businesses will often require a full, image-based backup and immediate disaster recovery. These enterprises can benefit from File Sync & Sharing technology. Ensuring that the most recent copies of data are backed up – especially when whole teams are working offsite – guarantees that all data is secure at all times. Large enterprises present the greatest opportunity for MRR – with multi-faceted, multi-seat solutions coming into play.
Channel-Grade Security Built for MSPs
Gone are the days of ungated, remote data access.  The threats of ransomware and human error provide plenty of incentive to source a secure, reliable file sync and sharing solution. MSPs have the opportunity satiate their client’s hunger for data mobility without compromising on data security.
HostedBizz File Sync & Sharing provides channel-grade security and mobility while delivering seamless deployment and management for Managed Service Providers. With a user-friendly interface and management portal designed specifically for MSPs, HostedBizz File Sync & Sharing enables employee productivity and high-margin, recurring revenue for the MSP.
MSPs interested in offering a enterprise-grade, high-margin file sync should visit the HostedBizz partner portal.