How Foolproof is your backup and recovery plan?
We get a lot of requests for backup and recovery support. Unfortunately, for a lot of clients, they come to us once they’ve already been hacked or had some sort of data disaster. It’s common that a lot of organizations neglect to protect their most critical data with any kind of backup solution, or continuity plan.
Think about it for a moment – what if your critical, private data was suddenly deleted or held ransom, rendering it inaccessible? What happens if confidential client data suddenly goes public? How much would it cost your business to be down for a whole day? A whole week? Fifty percent of organizations never recover from common cyber attacks, or accidental data deletion.
While you’re thinking about how crippling a hacker can be to your business, we’re going to share with you a few facts that may shock you. If you’re still not sure if the cost of a backup solution is worth it, read on.
$2.1 Trillion – the ugly cost of data breaches globally in 2019
88% – how many Canadian organizations have experienced a cyber attack
50% – half of the companies that lost their data for 10 days or more filed for bankruptcy immediately.[i]
93% – the probability that organizations are hacked via email
[i] Source: National Archives & Records Administration in Washington DC.